Monthly Archives: June 2020

Vilano Beach

6/23-25/2020 Haven’t posted daily – but the days are very similar so not much to report. Where we are staying is actually just north of St Augustine – a little beach village called Vilano Beach. Rented a small one bedroom house just across the road from the beach. These past few days have been basically up and out to the beach for most of the day – not that there is anything to complain about in that repetition.

Tuesday evening we decided to have a night in and picked up a pie from the local pizza joint – excellent food from a cool place keeping open via their takeout and walk up prefer window. Puccini’s Pizzeria if you ever visit…

Weds night we decided to go local again and hit Caps on the Water – famous local seafood place right on the intercostal waterway and known for great sunsets visible from their vast outdoor seating. Unfortunately a Florida-typical late afternoon rainstorm drove us in to eat at the bar. No complaints the oysters and tuna were just as fresh and excellent in there chased by a couple of mojitos.

St. Augustine -the beach a welcome distraction

6/20/20 – Three and a half months of lockdown with only a few short jaunts outside of Peachtree City, cancellation of our Prague trip (postponement actually), and a general stir-craziness have meant we needed to get in some true vacation time. Solution: six hour drive, in the convertible, to a beachside rental and a week-long dose of sun and surf.

Rolled in Saturday a bit late for the beach but still did a night stroll – very dark, but the sound of the waves very relaxing.

6/21 Sunday saw us up a little early for a short beach visit – only an hour – as we had plans to meet some people in town a which ultimately fell through, but had us in town anyway so we spent a few hours wandering Old Town and having an afternoon meal at the classic Columbia Restaurant – best Cuban food in Florida.

Later in the evening we sat outside at The Reef for some appetizers and cocktails while watching the surf.