Daily Archives: 11 June 2023

Edinburgh, day 2 – Walking Tour

10 Jun 2023 – today’s primary activity is a planned historical tour of Old Town Edinburgh. Giles Church – famous central Presbyterian church where the (in)famous John Knox was among the first to lead Scotland against Catholicism Christ m the mid-1500s.

Next down one of the narrow alleys (called a ‘close’) where we saw the Literary Museum. Next to Greyfriars Kirkyard – church and cemetery

Next the Grass Market – which began as the slums and low rent district of Edinburgh and the neighborhood of criminals and thugs. The main square here held the gallows – which were frequently used. Several legends lead to pubs and streets referring to some of these – such as The Last Drop and Maggie Dickson’s. Next a stop in front of the National Museum, where our tour ended. Quick peek inside, then off for fish and chips in a pub while watching the Champions League final.

Edinburgh, Scotland

9 Jun 2023 – up early, cab to airport- fly to Scotland!

Arrived in Glasgow to beautiful sunshine – and our driver said it had not rained for three weeks – also expected to be “hot” tomorrow – 23C (~74F) – so continuation of the weather we have had, and warmer than we planned clothes for. Our Airbnb booking this time is an amazing room in a gorgeous house that was at one time a very stately private home.

Right on a main bus route, it’s easy to jump on for trip into the Royal Mile historic area, and to do a little wandering in search of food and beer.

Not much on for today – knowing we have a tour booked for tomorrow- so selected a pub on recommendation to an acquaintance back home, and visited The Last Drop – so named because it sits very near the open square site of public hangings in the 17-19th centuries. decor decidedly grim – noises on the walls and light fixtures, and stories on the walls of some who met the hangman.

Strangely coincidental- especially given the ancestry-hunting nature of this trip – this last wall recounts the 1828 murders by, and subsequent hanging of, a William Hare – Hare being the name of my maternal grandmother from Australia. Hmm – relation?